{HBD Dan!}

Another 365 day trip around the sun!

Happy Birthday Dan, I thought you might enjoy a few quotes to ponder as you reflect back on your life and the years to come.  Some of these things I can practically hear you saying, have seen you do or just make me think of you. 

Image may contain: food and text

There's only one thing i hate more than lying - skim milk, which is water that's lying about being milk:

Fishing relaxes me. It's like yoga, except I still get to kill something. Funny Ron Swanson Quotes And Meme:

2 legit 2quit. Or so I've been told. By my old friends. Those people I used to know. Back in '92. Them there those. 173 give or take..,people that I used to love back then. When I was a cat. A Bobcat.:


Ron Swanson on bowling. #ParksandRec:

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 38 Pics:

Image from http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ln7o0zE6Mr1qkae66o1_1280.jpg.:

And finally the last quote, which is my favorite, because it came from Dan while talking to the kids...

"When things get to hard for everyone else, they are just right for us."   

This has since become our family motto. 

Happy Birthday Babe, hope it's everything you want it to be.

Here's hoping we can grow old gracefully. 

Please like and share this post, then tag Dan it in. Lets overload his Facebook feed today!!



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