{oppisites attract : anniversary edition}

Suddenly that Paula Abdul song popped in my head, remember that music video?  Anyway....

Last week as we were sitting at Cub’s baseball game, Dan and I realized our anniversary was sometime next week.  "Huh, what should we do?  I don’t know?"  Was pretty much how we left it. 
I started thinking about us and why our marriage works, despite all the difference we have.  Yes, ALL the differences. Besides the fundamentals that we share about love and parenthood, we couldn’t be more different. Here are few examples...

1: Dan is excellent handy man.  If something needs to be fixed, built, repaired he selects the right tools, the correct supplies and doesn’t cut any corners until it’s done perfectly.
   I use a shoe or rock to hammer in a nail; a butter knife or quarter to turn a screw just to call it “good” and cross it off the to do list. (ahhh, lists) He always says when I finish a job a new one has just started for him.

2:  Dan is a good driver but at his own pace.
     I can’t get there fast enough.  Not because I used to race or whatever just because it’s boring and I want to get where I’m going.

3: Dan can go through a day without a schedule or plan.
    I wake up with the day planned out and extra ideas for ‘spontaneous’ events.

4: Dan is a man of few words.
    I often have diarrhea of the mouth.

5: Dan thinks goat cheese is disgusting and doesn’t like wine.
    I couldn’t imagine a world without either!

6: Dan is an optimist. Everything will work out and be fine.
    I am a pessimist. Anxiety attacks and sobbing calls when the world is coming to an end.

7: Dan hates watching re-runs or the same movie more than once.  
    I can’t clean or cook without Friends or a classic rom-com playing in the background.

8: Dan doesn’t do laundry (unless I’m gone and he’s fresh out of clean undies) and if you heard his lame excuse you’d probably punch me for letting him get away with it. 
    I do laundry.

9: Dan always loses his belongings.     D:"I cant find my ______, do you know where it is?"  A:"Yeah, I think it's in the ______!"  D: "No I looked there". Then we go back and forth for a bit about 'really' looking and where was the last place you remember having it.  I usually mutter something like "If I go find it where I'm telling you it is, I'm going to give you a titty twister!"  Then I find it and have to try and follow up on my threat.
    I look for things with my eyes open and will even move something else out of the way to locate it.  

10: Dan is somewhat of an outdoors-y type.  Ha, that's the understatement of the year!
      I like the outdoors but there must be snacks and good weather.

 11: Dan is a very patient person.
     I am not a patient person.   Ha, that's another understatement.

 As you may know I pretty much hate our professional wedding photos.  I was scanning through them and found this gem.  Really, the pro gave is this as part of the ones we paid for. Ugh, if I knew then what I know now!   I like to have at least one photo with my posts so here's my pic for our anniversary.  It just makes me laugh every time.


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