{brush the dust off}
This poor, neglected blog I haven't even thought about it since spring. I guess its in good company because I haven't thought about the laundry, cleaning, any of my hobbies, manicures, eyebrow maintenance, or sleep since spring either.
That's not to say I didn't enjoy summer because I did. It was jammed packed with fun activities and memories.
Enjoying the water
Enjoying our animals
Enjoying the game
Enjoying milestones
enjoying the birthday spanking pants Karen made
enjoying a new nephew
enjoying a ride together.
enjoying a Father/Son Canada fishing trip
It would be too good to be true to think our summer was 100% perfect. We had our share of disappointments, obstacles and heart ache. I know there is a saying that goes something like...you need the bad times to appreciate the good times. I disagree. I know I can do without the headaches and stress of family squabbles, getting nasty messages from people who are only out for their own gain and having a miscarriage all at the same time. Yeah, I'd say I was a little messed up from that for a while.
Looking forward though, I don't see anything but fun, faith and support in our future.
We have a great family vacation planned, finally! We are going to Disney and exploring Florida.
Cub and Cami started school on 8/31/15 and are just loving it.
2nd Grade and 4th Grade, how is that even possible?
One of our best hens has been sitting on her nest and finally the chicks hatched last weekend. 12 little fluff balls in all which you can only enjoy from a safe distance. You'll need to wear an oven mitt and use a bucket lid as a shield, then and only then should you try to hold one.
This hen shows great protective instincts so I have high hopes for these chicks living a long life on the farm.
Fall is around the corner and that means Cami will soon be back in the saddle at riding lessons and Cub will start tackle football.
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