{8th annual cookie bake}
2015 was the year of the balls.
We all rolled balls, some of us more than 1 variety. We also gave the next generation a taste of what goes on during the cookie bake night. Now, our kids all know how to roll a pretty mean cookie dough ball.
We gathered at Emily's house and got an earlier start then normal. I may have said this last year but this was probably our best year ever! We definitely raised the bar last night. We all produced at least 3 different recipes to near perfection. No missing ingredients or tool mishaps.
So yeah, setting my camera above the lamp wasn't the best idea but it was the best angle to get all the action. Poor Angie, you never really see her face in the videos.
at the oven.
We all rolled balls, some of us more than 1 variety. We also gave the next generation a taste of what goes on during the cookie bake night. Now, our kids all know how to roll a pretty mean cookie dough ball.
We gathered at Emily's house and got an earlier start then normal. I may have said this last year but this was probably our best year ever! We definitely raised the bar last night. We all produced at least 3 different recipes to near perfection. No missing ingredients or tool mishaps.
Mary was clearly telling one of her great stories in this one and probably waiting for her turn
Our cold storage area wasn't the ideal temperature to properly harden dough balls and chocolate.
I am never making these wreaths again.
They may not look like the classic snicker doodles but they did taste like it. They are still a success. The best thing about our cookie bake is that there is always one recipe that gets picked on all night, it was Angie's turn last night.
We learned a couple things last night as well.
1. We need more than 1 pair of scissors on hand.
2. Tony and Zack are not taking our group photo any more. Ha!
Emily looked perfect in all of them, all 30 that they took without telling us who to look at or wait for us to finish talking.
It was hard to fit everything on the table. I am really blessed to have these ladies and this tradition in my life. ~A.
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