{kidding season}
1/5/13- Jam was escorted to the kidding stall approx. 2pm
1/6/13 - 12:00pm Jam started "talking" to her kid(s) with each contraction and started pushing a little. I was with her from about 7:30am watching as each labor stage progressed and changed. This was the first birth we would be home to witness, I wanted to get familiar so we would be ready for the other mamas. 1:30pm things got serious and I called Dan out to the barn. Her pushing was producing results. 2:20pm-ish The doeling was born, Jam went into mother mode and we were hoping there would be another one. After we had a chance to get a peek, I saw little hooves waiting, Yes Twins! The buckling was born about 5-7 minutes later. We wanted a good naming system and the other goats are paired up as duos (Ginger & Maryann, Mickey & Minnie, etc) so we googled famous duos the night before to prepare. However, 1-6 is Brian's birthday and we also like to names things to coordinate with the time they were born. Our first kid was born on Father's Day so we named her Poppy. We figured we'd go that route and name one of them after him. If you didn't know the kids call Brian; Grandpa Farm & Grumpy Grandpa, affectionately of course, so we wanted to use that somehow.
Introducing Gabby and Grumpy! Gabby (brown and white face) because that little girl doesn't quit gabbin' and Grumpy (mostly brown head with white star) after Brian.
If you want to see the full set of birth photos you can check them out
by clicking here>> warning ~ full set of birth pictures
Clearly they are excited!
The next doe is due in Feb, stay tuned.
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