One year ago my family gifted me with my very own pooch. He was the shy boy hiding amongst his much more outgoing sisters. As Ceasar Milan says “You get the dog you need not the dog you want.” Yeah, I’m quoting the dog whisper people, if you don’t watch him, you should. You will learn so much, more then just training but about reading your dog’s body language and mood. Anyway back to Ruger…the dog I need? Hmmm, lets think about this. Was it that I needed the windows caked with lip drool crusties? Or that his tail that has morphed into a whipping stick? I am actually scared for my children at this point: GROW KIDS GROW! Said tail is the reason I why I have layers of bruises on my thighs, no decorations on my tabels and 1 less coffee mug. Or was it that I needed and dog with no concept of personal space and who can knock you out with a half hearted head butt. These minor annoyances were all expected and all things I am willing to live with, obviously. He is one of the best child wrestlers I know, it's a favorite past time at our house. Yes, to answer your question, sicko, his yard bombs are huge. I currently use this to clean up after him.
To celebrate last night he even gave me a gift! Walking up to the house he shook his head and tagged me right on the arm with a slime wad from about 30 feet away. Dan has a picture to prove it.
The noraml dog's pooper scooper's Hulk cousin!
To celebrate last night he even gave me a gift! Walking up to the house he shook his head and tagged me right on the arm with a slime wad from about 30 feet away. Dan has a picture to prove it.
Love ya Ruger Booger thanks for everything.
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