{kidding season part 4}
Our first goat, Apricot aka Angel aka Mama, went into labor this week. We always just refer to her as Mama which made sense because she was the only one who had a kid. Now all the other does are officially mamas now so that might get confusing. Well, Tuesday 2-19-13, Mama proved she is in fact one tough Mother! She had triplets, 3 bucklings at that!
Brand new boys!
Chandler Ross Joey
All 3 of them came out in difficult birthing positions so assistance was needed. Shortly after birth, they all stood up and ate, things were looking great.
As usual Dan checked in on the kids before work, didn't see any cause for concern. Unfortunately by dinner time, I noticed Chandler wasn't well. He was tired and didn't show the need to eat. We contacted our goat mentor, Joy, for her opinion and instructions. We brought him into the house to try and save him but Chandler didn't make it through the night. Yes, it's a sad story and No, I'm not going to tell it. One of the things Joy said was very fitting. "The hardest part about having livestock is dealing with the dead stock. It sucks."
Ross - 1 day old.
Joey - 1 day old.
We now have 9 new kids, all are doing great. Shirley, the one who was born with very weak legs, is 100% better. So, fingers crossed that everyone stays healthy and happy. It's funny to see all the first time mamas show their mothering styles. We have an over-protective mom, a strict mom, a laid back mom, and then the "mother hen" who looks after everyone. They are so funny about climbing and jumping at such a young age. If you sit down you will have at least 1 kid climbing all over you within a few minutes.
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