{2013 Holiday Sing Along Concert}

Bayview Elementary puts together a Holiday Concert every year. All the kids in the gym at once singing Christmas Songs: jingling bells, playing air guitar, pretending to be crazy toys, etc. It really can’t be missed!

For the last week or so the kids would be singing their songs at home and trying to show us their moves but we insisted, "No, we want to be surprised when we get there!" The doors open a half hour before the show starts and the line resembles that of a Black Friday sale! Thankfully the school does a second show in the afternoon as well.

With my grand luck, Cub's class sign was over on the south end of the gym and Cami's class sign was, yep, all the way on the north end. Then I found my niece, Maya’s class sign right in the middle! The hard part was over, I found their spots and now I just need to save about 5 seats for our guests. You may recall a Seinfeld episode in which Elaine tries, and fails, to save seats in a movie theater; well that's how I felt. Luckily, my in-laws strolled in right after me and my mother wasn't far behind them. Next the kids start filing in...You wave, jump, smile, waiting to connect with their little eyes as they are searching everywhere for you. Ok, got em'! Now, you can relax.
Cami is wearing a grey dress and she is right in the middle of the picture. 

Maya is wearing a cream dress with a cream headband and she is peeking around the girl in the stripes in the front row.

Cub is wearing dark stripes standing with his hands in his pockets in the front row.
Wearing a sweater he protested all morning.

I must confess I didn’t bring a video camera or my real camera so the pictures are not the greatest. No mother of the year award this time.   The concert last about an hour and even the teachers performed a song for us: The 12 days of Christmas in Minnesota.


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