{7th annual cookie bake}

I had to double check that number, we've been doing this for 7 years already.   After all this time you'd expect to see beautiful cookies, bars or candy wrapped up perfectly like Martha Stewart or something. We are getting close to that, we all agreed that this was our best year to date! Only a few minor mishaps and each recipe turned out wonderfully.  We are quite proud of ourselves.  (high five ladies!)

We met on Friday, Dec 19th at Angie's house in Shakopee.  We each walk in with a laundry basket or box full of our ingredients. Between the four of us we cover all the bases of the essential necessities and then some fun extras thrown in.  The night unfolds as we all have a work area and sometimes fight for the over or stop to help each other with taste or technique.  There is food, wine and laughs.  Oh my, the laughs are really the best.  When this idea was born, the laughs were really all we had to look forward to. The treats were questionable but we always knew we would have fun and that was the point.

Last year we had a mixed night of fun and tragedy, you can check it out HERE.
This year the worst of it was when the dough balls rolled off the cookie sheet upon entry to the oven. We managed to get them back on the pan and no one would be the wiser.  Until the burning smell gave us away as the dough cooked off the bottom of the oven.  Later, there was a scary moment when the end of the spatula fell off.  We suspected it was in the pan of boiling hot sugar and butter, only to be found in the marshmallow fluff jar later and reattached, crisis averted!

I thought I would do something different this year so I set up the time lapse camera to test it out.  I may need to learn a little more about it but the couple of short video we did get are kinda funny!
 I realize that was not Christmas music but it was the first thing that popped in my head when we watched it last night.

There, that was is a little more festive.

Sometimes we need to get creative with our techniques, and who said a hammer isn't a kitchen tool?

The final products were counted out, divided up and there was plenty to go around.

We started around 5-5:30pm and we left Angie's house at 11:30ish. Emily and Mary will have to share the prize this year, they each made 3 different recipes. Angie and I were the big losers, we each made 2 different recipes. I'm almost certain ours had a higher level of difficulty and required more time to execute properly; wink wink!  We ended up with 10 different varieties in all.  No one forgot any or added extra ingredients unknowingly, I think that's a first.

As I type this I'm enjoying a snickerdoodle with my coffee.  Angie made her cookies and macaroons before we got there so they aren't pictured but are very good.

Until next year!


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